The sicknesses that we are going to discuss may happen either because of the human being overpowered by the jinn, or because of witchcraft. We will discuss the remedies for these sicknesses in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah. These sicknesses include the following:
1. Intense fear
2. Psychological and nervous diseases (insanity, depression, anxiety, tension, epilepsy, waswas (whispers from the Shaytan), personality disorders)
3. Physical sickness (i.e., physical sickness that human medicine is unable to treat, and for which there is no medical cause)
4. Hallucinations
5. Stirring up hatred between people, causing enmity and division between people such as husband and wife, business partners, friends, family
6. Female diseases (infertility, heavy bleeding and menstrual irregularities, infections)
7. Sexual problems (impotency, premature ejaculation)
8. Tampering with and causing damage to houses and material possessions (causing fires, throwing furniture about, throwing stones at the house)