Destroying taweez (amulets)

When it comes to destroying taweez, there are a number of things to bear in mind. 


You will need the following equipment:

1.  A tray – This will ensure that everything stays together and nothing falls on the floor.

2.  A long neck gas lighter – the kind often used for lighting barbecues.

3. A suitable container for burning the ta’weez in. I personally use a stainless steel metal cylinder, but you can use an old pan, or anything that can take the heat.

4. Gloves

If the taweez is encased in a container, you will also need:

1.  A pair of pliers and scissors, and possibly other tools to open the case.

2.  Eye protection is recommended.

PLEASE NOTE : If the taweez contains knots, you will also need a loose razor blade. If the method calls for ruqyah water, you will also need a bowl of tap water.

*Before beginning , we recommend that during the whole process, from beginning to end, the person continually recites al-Falaq and an-Naas.*

How to open the taweez:

1.  Open the taweez completely inside of the tray, so that you collect anything that might fall from it.

2.  Open the taweez carefully, so that you do not hurt yourself, and so that the taweez is not broken up while you are opening it (although this may sometimes happen).

3.  Many taweez are encased in metal or leather, often with wax to seal them in. Use pliers, scissors, and other suitable tools to remove the metal or leather casing. Keep all discarded parts on the tray, so that none are lost.

4.  Wax can be removed by melting it gently with the heat from the lighter flame.

5.  Once the taweez is opened, it should be inspected for knots. Any knots should be cut through completely using the loose razor blade.

If the taweez is engraved in metal:

1.  If the taweez is writing engraved in metal, such as a ring, then you will need to grind the writing off the metal, using a file or multi-tool, until there are no visible markings.

2. Once all markings are removed, dispose of by burying in clean earth, in a place which is not frequently used by people, such as the bottom of the garden, or a disused area of land, or by throwing it in the river or sea.

If the taweez is written on paper:

1.  If the taweez was given for the purpose of burning (i.e., the magician said that it has to be burned at a certain time), it should be destroyed using the water method.

2.  If the taweez is made up of writing in soluble ink (usually yellow, saffron based ink, or pink colour), it should also be destroyed using the water method.

3. Any other taweez should be destroyed using the burning method.

4. If in doubt, combine the two, by using the water first, then drying the taweez and using the burning method as detailed below. 

The burning method:

1.  Put the taweez into a suitable container to burn. This will help to collect all of the ash and residue.

2.  The taweez should ideally be burnt in a place which is not frequently used by people, such as the bottom of the garden, or a disused area of land, to reduce the risk of someone being harmed by it.

3.  Using a long neck gas lighter, burn the taweez as completely as possible, trying not to inhale the smoke. If you are struggling, you may need to recite over the taweez, as you are burning it.

4.  Bury the ash and residue in clean earth, along with the contents of the tray that you used to open the taweez on.

The water method: (Safest Method)

1.  Take a bowl of water, and recite Fatiha, and the last three surahs of the Quran in it. If you already have ruqyah water prepared, you can use that.

2.  Keep the bowl of water on the tray, so that everything is kept together, and the water doesn’t spill.

3.  Put the taweez into the water, rubbing off any soluble ink.

4.  Take the taweez out of the water, break it apart as much as you can, and dispose of the remaining taweez and the water in a place which is not frequently used by people, such as the bottom of the garden, or a disused area of land, to reduce the risk of someone being harmed by it, or by throwing it in the river or sea.